In Praise of Wikipedia

Wikipedia ( ) is a free encyclopedia on the Web.  As it is set up in wiki format, anyone can edit or add content.  Administrators keep an eye on specific sections and make changes as needed.  Wikipedia and its associated projects, including Wiktionary ( ), are managed by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

What I Love About Wikipedia
It is free to search and edit.  The project was founded by Jimmy Wales, who contributed capital and ideas.  It is now supported entirely by grants and donations. read more

Internet chat for business

By Jon: First published in Online Currents 2002 – 17(4): 4-6


Real-time conversation via the Internet – ‘chat’ – has been overlooked as a means of business communication.  Despite its reputation as a recreational system, chat offers many powerful features of use to everyone in business or government.  Different types of chat systems and chat software are examined here: Web chat, IRC, NetMeeting, ICQ and Yahoo Group chat.  All have their own strengths and weaknesses, but an appropriate system can open new channels of communication for teams of workers. read more

Internet radio

By Jon: First published in Online Currents – 20 (2) March 2005

Got a fast PC? Got a broadband Internet connection with lots of spare capacity? Bored with your own music and want to hear someone else’s? Need to keep up with a specialised news feed? Have a special interest in rare radio programmes? Or are you just looking for a wider choice of information and entertainment than you can get through the local media?

You may be a candidate for listening to Internet radio.

Here’s how it works.

The Basics

Internet radio (IR) is not, of course, radio. Transmission of IR is by cable, like all the other material transmitted over the Internet – unless, of course, you have a wireless connection to the Internet or to your network hub, in which case the last step is by radio after all. But if you only have a wireless connection you probably won’t have the broadband capacity to properly receive IR anyway. Complicated, isn’t it? read more

Internet telephony

By Jon: First published in Online Currents – 20(8) October 2005

Internet telephony, also known as Voice Over Internet (VOI), is the transmission of voice communications in real time using the Internet rather than a proprietary telephone system.  It has two advantages over conventional telephony (known as ‘Plain Old Telephone System’ or POTS); firstly, the cost of calls is lower – sometimes much lower – and secondly, the introduction of a computer into the process allows powerful software to be used for making, monitoring, timing and recording calls. read more

Introduction to Indexing: a collection of articles by Glenda Browne

Introduction to Indexing: a collection of articles by Glenda Browne

Free EPUB download from introduction_to_indexing__a_collection_of_articles.epub.

I put this collection of articles together because I wanted to learn how to create an EPUB ebook. I have done minimal formatting and used the basic styles from Oxygen (an XML editor). I used Sigil to convert the XHTML files to EPUB format.

I have created two linked indexes, one using paragraph numbers as the text for links, and one using the main heading or subheading. I manually added ID numbers at article and section level. When the EPUB3 Indexing specification is final I am planning to create an index (to this or another work) to comply with the specification and make use of some of the new features it will allow. read more

Itching for knowledge: allergy information on the web

By Glenda: First published in Online Currents – Vol.19 Issue 2, March 2004

Asthma and allergies, especially food allergies, are a hot topic these days, as the prevalence of these conditions has increased significantly over the last generation. Australia and New Zealand have one of the highest incidences of asthma in the world, and about one in seventy Australian children are allergic to peanuts. This article covers asthma and allergies in general, with the emphasis on food allergies, as these can be chronic and life-threatening, and they affect carers of, and caterers to, sufferers, as well as the people with the allergy themselves. read more

It’s all in the index – Australian Author

It’s all in the index (PDF)

Australian Author March 2011, pp. 13-15

Notes that didn’t fit within my word limit (in order of relevance to the text):

Methold, Ken. A-Z of authorship: a professional guide Strawberry Hills, NSW: Keesing Press, 2002. Third ed (electronic), p.29

Martha Osgood gives indexing advice to authors (

Browne, Glenda and Jermey, Jonathan. The Indexing Companion Port Melbourne: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2007

The final wording of entries and cross references (see or see also) cannot be decided without the context of other entries. read more

Keyboard macros with AutoHotkey

By Jon: First published in Online Currents – 20 (7) September 2005

Many years ago, at university, I overheard a snippet of conversation between two female students: “I’ve heard of garlic bread,” said one, “but I’ve never tried it.”

Many people feel the same way about macros.  They know that it’s possible to automate repetitive processes on the computer by creating macros, but it all seems too complicated.  There are too many decisions.  Local or global?  Relative or absolute?  Keystroke or toolbar button?  Also, how to create a macro that involves two or more programs?   read more

Knowledge management publications

By Glenda: First published in Online Currents – Vol.18 Issue 6, July/August 2003

Book reviews:

Bishop, Karen. Information service professionals in knowledge-based organisations in Australia: what will we manage? A report by Karen Bishop for the University of Technology, Sydney, Department of Information Studies. Sydney: The One Umbrella, [November 2001], 65p. ($65 including GST, plus $7 postage and handling).

Bishop, Karen. New roles, skills and capabilities for the knowledge-focused organisation. BEA 003-2002. Sydney: Jointly published by The One Umbrella & Business Excellence Australia (a division of Standards Australia International Limited), December 2002, ISBN 0 7337 4874 0, 30p. Available in hardcopy at $29.92 or PDF at $26.93 (including GST). Contact Standards Australia on 1300 654 646 or read more